Savantas Liberal Arts Academy Public Policy Study Programme Summer 2021 2021 – Lecture 4
back22 June ,2021
The fourth lecture of the “Savantas Liberal Arts Academy Public Policy Study Programme Summer 2021” was held on June 19. Savantas Liberal Arts Academy (SLAA) invited Prof Ling Kar Kan, the former Director of Planning as the guest speaker. The title was “Town Planning and Development of Hong Kong”. Participants could learn about the planning and development control system, ordinances related to town planning, examples of different land planning, and the future development of town planning.
Mr Alex Wong, Policy Director of Savantas Policy Institute, thanked Prof Ling in his welcome speech, and Mrs Regina Ip, the Principal of SLAA, presented a certificate of appreciation to Prof Ling.
Prof Ling’s sharing was mainly divided into two parts. He first introduced the system of town planning and related ordinances, such as Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) and Lands Resumption Ordinance (Cap 124). Also, he cited some examples in Hong Kong, including Kwu Tung North New Development Area, Fanling North New Development Area, Brownfield Sites and land reclamation. In the second part, he discussed the three strategic directions and key actions of “Hong Kong 2030+”, including planning for a liveable high-density city, embracing new economic challenges and opportunities, and creating capacity for sustainable growth. Then, Prof. Ling mentioned the conceptual spatial framework of “Hong Kong 2030+”, including One Core: Metropolitan Business Core, Two Strategic Growth Areas, Three Development Axes and Supporting Transport Network. Finally, Prof Ling answered questions from the participants, including land use at the container terminal, transportation planning in Tuen Mun, and concerns about “Lantau Tomorrow”.