2012 Summer Program

16 July ,2017

For Secondary School Students

Download Syllabus here


Class A: 16th July 2011 – 22th August 2011 (Monday & Wednesday)

Class B: 17th July 2011 – 23th August 2011 (Tuesday & Thursday)


10:30 a.m. – 11:45 noon (liberal studies session)

12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (language session)


This is a 6-week summer program catering for senior secondary school students. The program curriculum is divided into two parts. The first session of the class is on English comprehension & composition, while the second is on Chinese Language Usage and various liberal arts subjects. Upon completion of this program, students are expected to show improvement in English & Chinese comprehension & composition and to gain deeper understanding in the different liberal arts subjects.


Savantas Liberal Arts Academy

Room 301, Fu Fai Commercial Centre, 27 Hillier Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


HK $500 (for the entire program)

Application Deadline

29th June, 2012


Mr. Francis LI, B.A. Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, FRAS

Mr. LAI Chun-ho, B.A. in Philosophy, Yale University

Mr. Vincent CHAN, B.A., Dip. Ed., Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ms. Cynthia IP, B.A. in Political Science, University of Pennsylvania

Mr. Vincent YIU, M. Phil. in Politics, Oxford University, B.A. in International Relations, Stanford University

Mr. Tiger LAI, B.Ed. in Chinese Language Education, University of Hong Kong

Requirement & Grading

Grade will be based on class participation (30%), essay (40%) and final project (30%). Participants who attain 85% or above will receive a certificate of excellence. Students with full attendance in this program will be awarded the ‘full participation certificate’. One ‘best essay award’ and one ‘best project award’ will be given to students who submit the best essays and group project in each class.