Invited Speakers (The background of the speakers was that at the time when they were invited)
Ms. YIP Sau Wah, JP
Former Principal, Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
Prof. WONG Yu-Cheung
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work,
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Edward CHAN
Campaign Manager, Greenpeace China
Former Chief Secretary of the Hong Kong Government
Mr. John Slosar
Chief Operations Officer, Cathay Pacific Airways
Mr. Andrew LOOK
Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer,
Look’s Asset Management Limited
Ms. Janice TSE
Deputy Secretary for Food and Health (Health)
Mr. HO Hon-Kuen
Vice-Chairperson, Education Convergence
Dr. Allan ZEMAN, GBS, JP
Chairman, Ocean Park
Mr. Andrew FUNG
Executive Director and Head of Global Banking and Markets,
Hang Seng Bank
Prof. Yue-man YEUNG, SBS, OBE, JP
Emeritus Professor, Geography Department,
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Li Pang-Kwong
Research Director, Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre
Dr. Shaoguang Wang
Professor of Government and Public Administration,
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Roland Chin, JP
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
Mr. Shih Wing Ching
President of Centaline Property Agency Limited
Mr. Anthony Lau
Executive Director, Hong Kong Tourism Board
Mr. Philip Li
Managing Director, WinDriveon Company Limited
Mr. Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBS, JP
Chairman, Advisory Committee on Revitalization of Historic Building & Antiquities Advisory Board
Professor Chow Wing Sun, Nelson, SBS, JP
Chair Professor, Hong Kong University Department of Social Work and Social Administration
Mr. Linus Cheung JP
Chairman, Board of Directors, HKU SPACE
Mr. Tam Wing-pong SBS, JP
Former Postmaster General of Hong Kong
- Dr. Ronald Teng
Dr. Wong Suk-ying
Professor, Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Dr. Robert Hanso
Mr. Ronald Issen
Advisor, Apollo Management LP
Dr. Andrei Pop
Associate Professor, Committee on Social Thought, Art History, and the College, The University of Chicago
Mr. Man Cheuk Fei
Founder, Master Insight Media
Ms. Miss Canny Lo
Investor Relations Director, Razer