Courses List

2017 Spring/Summer: Chinese Food and Social Evolution

21 April 2017

Overview This course is based on the evolution of Chinese History, discussing how political, economic, and social changes shaped the functions of food. The instructor will display certain artifacts to enhance students’ understanding of the topic. > Details

2017 Winter/Spring: Chinese Calligraphy Course

01 February 2017

Overview This course will introduce the basic knowledge and techniques of Chinese calligraphy through the clerical script. > Details

2017 Winter/Spring: Chinese Painting for Beginners

02 February 2017

Overview The aim of this course is to promote traditional Chinese culture to the general public, and to engage more people in the art of Chinese painting. This course includes the use of brushstrokes, ink and color and the composition of pictures. Students are expected to master the basic skills of Chinese painting and be able to finish a piece of artwork. > Details

2017 Winter/Spring: The History and Culture of Tea

03 February 2017

課程概覽 本講座將介紹中國歷代茶文化的發展。講者在引用中外文獻之餘,亦會展示歷代有關茶文化的文物,並將邀請著名茶人來分享如何將歷史上出現過的喝茶方式重現眼前。 > Details

2017 Winter/Spring: American History and Civilization II: Becoming a Global Power: 1865-1920

12 February 2017

Overview After the end of American Civil War, many Americans turned their attention to the unfinished business of settling in the continent and completing an urban-industrial revolution which begun before the war. Huge new national corporations based upon mass production and mass marketing began to dominate the economic order, leading to deep depression, agrarian unrest and labor violence.In the early twentieth century, the United States entered the world stage as a great military power. It also became a great industrial power through American Spanish War, 1898 and First World War in 1914-1918. > Details

2016 Fall: Chinese Paintings for Beginners

19 October 2016

Overview This is a beginner course in Chinese paintings. Through drawing flowers and plants, students will learn basic techniques such as lines and colorings. > Details